Sunday, January 07, 2007



Another 1000 hands, another 4 buy-ins dropped. Got oversetted once. QQ, raise pf, bet flop and shove turn, get instac-called by AK who hits it on river. AA gets hit by 2-pr. I tilt shove by flush draw on turn and miss. 2-pr ran into a turned higher 2-pr. Had 4 or 5 15-outs twice hands, played it fast and of course never get there. LKJSadlkjdakldjaslkdjasdaslkdaj!!Dasdasdaskdjl! At least I got FPPs....LOLOL. I hate this game. At least I'm not doing this for a living....At this rate, by the time I finish my 20K hands quest, I'll be in bustoland. fck that.

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